Sunday, January 31, 2010

Laura on the Grammy's

It's 7:45. I'm warning you, sometimes I cry when I watch the Grammys. Seriously. When Amy Winehouse won and her jaw dropped and her band was going wild around her, I teared up.

My friend @bxsmith understands.

You see, I have this band. I'm a songwriter. I don't know if it's happiness for these artists that makes me tear up or imagining it happening to me, but I'm shooting for the top. You should just know that. So if I sound a little catty sometimes, perhaps it's envy. Envy envy envy.

Let's talk about Taylor Swift, shall we? First of all, she looks stunning. Second of all, she will be big in the music industry for a long, long time. She can write her own songs, and she maintains a very gracious, humble, and ladylike public persona. She's grateful for what she has, and darnit, she should be. She's in my "like" category- I think the whole package is what sells an artist- you can't be an inarticulate irrelevant ditz like Katy Perry and have people still want to hear what you have to say.

Also, how much do I want to be Lea Michelle?

7:58: Lady Gaga's outfit was expected to be crazy. But I want to talk about her SHOES! My designer sister goes nuts for Alexander McQueen.

8:00: I have the chills because of Gaga's entrance. A true performer.

8:02 And girlfriend can sing. And she's singing live. HOw I respect you.

But will you ever wear pants? Try it. We'd be SHOCKED if you showed up in jeans.

8:09 I HATE katy perry's BANGS! come on. you can be edgy. but gosh darnit at least do something flattering.

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