Sunday, January 31, 2010

Laura Grammys - Bon Jovi

To reiterate, nobody told Julia and me tonight was 90's night. But Bon Jovi has remained pretty attractive.

10:11 "Who says you can't go home" w/ the gal from Sugarland (question mark?) I've seen you live, baby, and you're awesome. Too bad this is in Bon Jovi's key and not yours.

10:12 Although Kudos to her for hitting those low notes. Again, love the 3 part harmony. I'm predictable that way.

10:14 Shocker that we voted for "Livin on a Prayer". This concert is getting a little exhausting. Although I'm gonna pull a Michael Weinberg here and say that this song is not in the original key. I'm gonna say go ahead and say it's at least a whole step lower.

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